Review #1: Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood
Title: Under One Roof
Author: Ali Hazelwood
Genre: Adult Romance
Rating: ☆.5
Series: The STEMinist Novellas #1
I wanted to love this so bad but there were major plot points that just made this a hard book to like and after how much I LOVED “The Love Hypothesis”, I was shocked!
The biggest deal breaker for me was that I didn’t enjoy following Mara’s perspective. Especially at the beginning, I felt that she was in the wrong and she couldn’t admit it to herself. The premise is that she is given ownership of half of a house, and she doesn’t take into account that it is Liam’s family home, and she is a stranger. So when she’s complaining about him acting like he own’s the place, it is because he does and has for many years prior. I would have also been pissed if someone just showed up at my door and didn’t acknowledge that it is a family home and just expected to be given a space. I didn’t like being in her head for a while and considering this is a novella, there isn’t much redemption for her, in my mind.
Also with the buyout, I think she should have taken it and left, even if it put her in a sticky situation because there are so many other options then just expecting to live in a house you’ve never been to. Also for all she knew Liam could have been a murderer….just something to think about LOL.
I’m hoping that the next 2 are better, but they are shorter, so I’m not sure if they will be for me either! I am still excited for her full length novel “Love on the Brain” which is coming out later this year.
I also didn’t like that there was no informed consent. Liam could have given her an STD and he didn’t care to confirm with her first that he did not have condom’s in the house and how that isn’t addressed either. I feel like I would have been mad if a man did that to me, and not found him too attractive to think around? I think the whole smut scene was not my favourite and I also didn’t like that there was a confession of feelings while they are have sex, why not wait till after?
I think this book should have been about 20 pages longer, just to wrap up the sex scene and then have the professions of love.
Should I start dating again?
Yeah. I should. Except that….men. No, thank you.”
This one wasn’t my favorite either.
The next one I’m this series is much better IMO. Speaking of consent, that book has really good informed consent.
It’s so weird that in one book Hazelwood takes such care with it and totally misses the mark on another one.
This makes me more excited to get to the next one! I though it was strange as well, she did such a good job with Adam and Olive so I was a little surprised!